Kentucky Fire Insurance

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Fire claims are one of the most common property claims, and the costliest. Whether your property is damaged by an accidental house fire or a wildfire, without understanding your policy you may not get the coverage you're expecting.

Kentucky residents are at risk of forest fires as well as accidental fires. That's why a Kentucky independent insurance agent is valuable in helping you understand the fire coverage that's in your Kentucky homeowners insurance, auto insurance, and business insurance and when each policy will benefit you most.

What Is Kentucky Fire Insurance?

Fire insurance is a form of property insurance that will provide financial coverage for any damage that is done to your property as a result of a fire. While you can purchase fire insurance in Kentucky independently, fires have become such a common event that fire damage is typically included in your homeowners insurance, Kentucky auto insurance, and business insurance policies. Each of these policies will handle fire coverage differently and your Kentucky independent agent can help you understand those differences. 

What Does Fire Insurance Cover in Kentucky?

In the unfortunate event that your home experiences a fire, your fire insurance will cover the costs of damage to your property and more. In addition to the damage to the structure of your home, fire insurance also covers:

  • Your personal belongings
  • Expenses for lodging if you have to temporarily leave your home
  • Expenses for any meals while you're displaced from your home that go above and beyond your typical living expenses
  • Detached structures on your property such as garages, fences, or sheds
  • Landscaping

A fire policy will provide coverage for all of these if damage is caused by an electrical, accidental, or lightning fire.  According to insurance expert Paul Martin, the only time your fire insurance would not cover the damage is if it's caused by war, nuclear radiation, negligence, or associated perils. 

Your Kentucky independent insurance agent can help you better understand your fire insurance, what's included in your homeowners policy, and whether you should consider additional coverage. 

Does Kentucky Homeowners Insurance Include Fire?

Yes, your Kentucky homeowners insurance policy will include coverage for fire damage. Your home is a valuable asset. Whether a fire is caused by a candle or an electric spark, the fire damage protection in your policy will step in to pay for the costs of repair. It will even protect the 34% of Kentucky residents who are at increased risk of wildfires. It will not only cover your home, but also your personal belongings and other assets. This is usually broken down into three categories, dwelling coverage, detached structures, and personal property

For most Kentucky residents the fire damage coverage in their homeowners policy will be efficient, but you can always work with your independent agent to increase the amount of coverage you have if you feel you need more or have additional assets that wouldn't originally be covered. 

Does Kentucky Car Insurance Include Fire?

According to Martin, you'll only get fire coverage in your car insurance policy if you purchase comprehensive coverage. This coverage, also known as "other than collision" coverage, is an optional auto insurance policy designed to cover events that are not considered collisions. Whether it's a fire, theft, vandalism, or a tree branch falling on your vehicle, Kentucky's comprehensive coverage is designed to be all-encompassing for things that aren't covered in your liability or collision insurance. 

Does Fire Insurance Cover a Forest Fire in Kentucky?

Kentucky is home to more than 1.5 million people, and in 2019 the state experienced 755 fires and a loss of more than 11,000 acres. Of those numbers, 707 fires and 9,900 acres were burned as a result of wildfires. This means it's important for Kentucky residents to be protected from forest fires. Fortunately, the fire insurance coverage in your homeowners policy will cover any damage that is caused to your home from a forest fire.

10 Year Summary of Wildfires in Kentucky

How Much Does Fire Insurance Cost in Kentucky?

The cost of your Kentucky fire insurance will depend on the type of policy you're looking for as well as the home and assets you're wanting to insure. Fire insurance typically costs whatever your home insurance costs, since it's included in the coverage, but the following factors will be taken into consideration when determining a price.

  • Location of asset
  • Type  and value of the asset
  • Your credit score
  • Your driving record
  • Your history of insurance claims
  • Preferred deductibles

This is a very basic list. When you call to get fire insurance policy quotes, your agent will ask you many more questions in order to get a policy best suited for you.

How a Kentucky Independent Insurance Agent Can Help You

If you're shopping for home and fire insurance, a Kentucky independent insurance agent is the best person to help you find the policy you need. They understand the difference between the coverages your home, auto, and business insurance will provide when it comes to fire and help you assess if you need additional protection. They'll even take on the burden of pulling quotes from multiple carriers in order to find you the best fire insurance for your needs. 

Article Author | Sara East

Article Reviewed by | Paul Martin


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